We are delighted to kick-off our #TopicalResearch social media campaign and present the compelling work on nature-based solutions of the core NICHES members and their colleagues.
The brand new campaign #TopicalResearch aims to multiply the impact of findings developed by NICHES partners under relevant projects. Our growing audience on social media will have the chance to read more about their research on topics like urban water restoration, perspectives of urban aquatic ecology, new paths for modelling freshwater nature futures, and many more.
The #TopicalResearch comes after our first campaign - #NICHEScities which introduced the five-case study cities - Barcelona, Berlin, Boston, Sheffield and Rotterdam. They will collaboratively create a robust evidence base on potential benefits and identify pathways towards sustainable, resilient and urban transformation. You can find more information about the NICHES cities here.
Summer is the perfect time to continue learning and exploring new topics. NICHES' Topical Research campaign will feature different publications on our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts, becoming a source reference for the NBS community for the next several weeks. Follow us and hashtag #TopicalResearch to make it easier for you to find inspiring reads.